Welcome to the School of Music: Artistry • Community • Distinction

音乐学院的使命是发展艺术,建立社区和促进区分. The school achieves these three pillars of artistry, community, 并通过培养一个环境,使个人成就和艺术表现充分和公平地为我们不同的学生. 我们的学位课程和课程为音乐事业提供了准备, music education or further graduate study. 我们的艺术家教师是专业的音乐家和学者,他们在音乐理论的各个方面提供指导, composition, musicianship, history, literature, performance, and music education. 自1966年以来,音乐学院一直得到全国音乐学院协会的全面和持续认可.   

音乐学院的师生对音乐有着深厚的热情和追求卓越的共同愿望. 学校提供广泛的学位课程和选择,整体强调音乐表演. 该课程为音乐事业提供了全面的准备, music education, or further graduate study, 它的目的是在音乐体验的许多方面提供均衡的教育. Artist-teachers offer instruction in all aspects of performance; practicing composers and theorists teach courses in theory and composition; active musicologists provide instruction in history and literature; and specialists in music education teach the courses in that field. 该部门的目标是将每个学生的音乐和智力潜力发展到个人能力的最高水平.  

Randall Goldberg
Dr. Randall GoldbergOpens in new window
Director of the School of Music

Music Education students with elementary school children

加州州立大学富勒顿在《十大靠谱网赌平台》的前20名“最划算的大学”中被评为2024年西部大学 Opens in new window

Washington Monthly ranks 1,500 United States schools by region, annually, to help students attain valuable degrees at affordable prices. 该榜单旨在突出那些帮助学生获得价格合理的学位并在生活中取得经济领先的学校.


Music Education students with elementary school children   CSUF音乐计划与小学合作教授音乐课程Opens in new window


Terri and Bob Niccum 有抱负的歌手步入聚光灯下,土地与洛杉矶和旧金山歌剧的角色 Opens in new window

“音乐系的准备工作非常有帮助. I came to CSUF as a transfer student, and immediately, 学校的音乐氛围是我成功的动力。, Class of 2024 music grad

Terri and Bob Niccum 音乐学院校友被任命为华盛顿合唱艺术协会的新艺术总监 Opens in new window

“Our goals align beautifully,” and “Choral Arts is ready for a fresh perspective, 我相信我能在艺术上满足他们的需求。”玛丽·布科伊-卡拉万说

Terri and Bob Niccum New Music Students Gain a Creative Edge Thanks to $2.5 Million Gift Opens in new window

When Bob, an aspiring musician, met Terri, a clever poet, in a semantics class at Cal State Fullerton, it was the start of a beautiful duet. Looking back on the moment they met, 两位校友说,他们印象最深的是音乐的魔力,让他们走到了一起.

Damon Zick and Quarteto 学院艺术家达蒙·齐克和新四重奏发行新专辑,获得40,000美元的资助 Opens in new window

“结合了我喜欢做的所有音乐:演奏古典室内乐和爵士乐, explore world music traditions, improvise and compose.” Says Damon Zick

Ben Case photo Opens in new window Music Alumnus Hits High Note as a California Teacher of the YearOpens in new window

“For as challenging as it can be, 帮助学生找到自己的道路——尤其是在他们自己的困难时期——是一种无以言表的回报. Don’t forget, we don’t teach content, we teach students, and it is through the content that we can reach and inspire them."

singing in a cave Opens in new window A visiting choir tests the acoustics of Royal CaveOpens in new window

“在洞穴系统的黑暗深处,这是一种美妙的声音. 我喜欢带着这样的音乐家团体去澳大利亚的乡村,享受我们美丽而独特的公园."

Omar Crook
著名校友反思CSUF教育的独特之处Opens in new window

“有一件事对我来说很突出,从合唱到歌剧学习, 老师们总是教你一些小东西,这些东西加起来就是‘如何成为一名专业人士’”——克里斯托弗·乔布斯

Jesus Ramos Scholarships, Ensembles Create Ambassadors of Music

2017年,当飓风María以四级风暴的形式袭击波多黎各时, Jesús Ramos was in the process of applying to graduate school. 他和其他数百万人一起度过了数周没有电的日子,拉莫斯错过了所有申请的截止日期.  Enter Music Professor Rong-Huey Liu...

rodolpho zuniga
Meet Assistant Professor of Music, Rodolfo Zuniga

“不知怎么的,在导师、家人和朋友的帮助下,我得以留在美国.S. earn degrees and eventually get paid for making music. 每走一步,我都要提醒自己,这段旅程已经超出了我的预期."

valdepenas Valdepeñas’ Master Class is a Homecoming for Music AlumniOpens in new window

“I played the clarinet all through junior high and high school. 但直到我去了十大靠谱网赌平台,我才有了私人课程,” says the music performance alumnus.



Mathew Yang Freshman Wins Gold at International Piano Arts FestivalOpens in new window

这位大一新生感谢Bill Cunliffe和Rob Watson的指导,让他有机会参加这次活动, which included master classes and recitals, as well as a competition and showcase for pianists of all ages.

YOLA National student Guillermo Najera
School of Music Welcomes LA Philharmonic’s YOLA Festival

“YOLA is why I attend here,” says Emmanuel Rojas, 他是十大靠谱网赌平台音乐专业的大一新生,一直在参与今年的音乐节. “我知道音乐是我现在想要的东西,没有YOLA就不会有今天.” 

Emilio Lopez Felix 音乐毕业生与安德烈·波切利、老鹰乐队、约翰·威廉姆斯同台演出Opens in new window

当埃米利奥·洛佩兹·菲利克斯第一次来到好莱坞露天剧场时, he wasn’t there to see a show. He was there to perform.

Music graduate student Sierra Farquhar-Wulff
Student Researchers Earn Top Honors at Statewide CompetitionOpens in new window Opens in new window

11名CSUF学生参加了第35届加州州立大学学生研究竞赛. Music graduate student Sierra Farquhar-Wulff, who is studying choral conducting, won a first-place award.

Land Acknowledgement
音乐学院承认我们在传统的, ancestral and unceded territory of the Gabrielino/Tongva Nation.
我们向过去、现在和未来的土著土地守护者表示敬意. For more information please visit the Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe    websiteOpens in new window